首页 语言 函数是一等公民,这究竟在说什么?


对于有些人来说这根本不是问题,但有些人却想不明白。我提到,在 Go 语言中,函数是一等公民,但对方不清楚这到底在说什么。看来有必要解释下什么是一等公民。


关于一等公民[1](First-class citizen)看看维基百科的定义:

In programming language design, a first-class citizen (also type, object, entity, or value) in a given programming language is an entity which supports all the operations generally available to other entities. These operations typically include being passed as an argument, returned from a function, modified, and assigned to a variable.

大意是说,在编程语言中,所谓一等公民,是指支持所有操作的实体, 这些操作通常包括作为参数传递,从函数返回,修改并分配给变量等。

比如 int 类型,它支持作为参数传递,可以从函数返回,也可以赋值给变量,因此它是一等公民。


In computer science, a programming language is said to have first-class functions if it treats functions as first-class citizens. This means the language supports passing functions as arguments to other functions, returning them as the values from other functions, and assigning them to variables or storing them in data structures. Some programming language theorists require support for anonymous functions (function literals) as well.In languages with first-class functions, the names of functions do not have any special status; they are treated like ordinary variables with a function type. The term was coined by Christopher Strachey in the context of "functions as first-class citizens" in the mid-1960s.

函数作为一等公民的概念是 1960 年由英国计算机学家 Christopher Strachey[3] 提出来的。然而,并非所有语言都将函数作为一等公民,特别是早期,比如 C 语言中函数就不是一等公民,一些功能通过函数指针来实现的;再比如 C++、Java 等,都是后来的版本才加上的。

一般来说,函数式编程语言、动态语言和现代的编程语言,函数都会作为一等公民,比如:Scala、Julia 等函数式语言,JavaScript、Python 等动态语言,Go、Rust、Swift 等现代的编译型语言。

为了让大家对函数是一等公民有更深的理解,针对上文提到的一等公民的一等功能,我们看看 Go 语言是如何支持的。



关于作者: dawei

